Marcelo Lang Usuario Marcelo Lang Estados Unidos 5 Publicaciones 18 Seguidores
Marcelo LangOtros - Estados Unidos11-ago-2021
Open the link and join the Modes of Action series of courses that brings the latest in microbial science to you. How probiotic bacteria work to improve animal health and nutrition.
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Marcelo LangOtros - Estados Unidos29-jul-2021
This is important for Tyson and is the right thing to advance animal welfare, says Dr. Ken Opengart, VP Animal Welfare and International Sustainability at Tyson Foods. The framework will further enhance animal welfare culture and foster continuous improvement in animal welfare assessment and outcome
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Marcelo LangOtros - Estados Unidos27-jul-2021
Are you following the Chr. Hansen Animal Health Linkedin page? No? What are you waiting for? Click the link below and check it out to see if the content is of your interest.
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Marcelo LangOtros - Estados Unidos22-jul-2021
The Modes of Action of probiotics is a self-learning program with four mini courses, each discussing one type of interaction. Register by clicking the link below and join an elite group of hundreds of animal industry professionals who are already taking advantage of this educational opportunity.

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Marcelo LangOtros - Estados Unidos27-jun-2021
Hi, Chr. Hansen is proud to be the new gold sponsor of
We created a new web page to introduce our company and the swine probiotic line of products to other members of the community. Check it out and get in touch with us.
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